Jumat, 30 Januari 2015




·         Tujuan                         : Menghitung suhu campuran air dan membuktikan kebenaran Azas                                                   Black.
·         Landasan Teori            : menurut azas black "kalor yang di terima sama dengan kalor yang                                        dilepaskan".
·         Alat dan Bahan           :
  -  Gelas Ukur
  -  Neraca tiga lengan
              -  Termometer  celcius
              -  Air panas
              - Air dingin

·         Cara Kerja
            1. Hitunglah massa air dengan cara mengurangi massa gelas ukur berisi air dengan massa gelas                      ukur.
            2. Ukur suhu air panas dan air dingin yang telah tersedia dengan termometer celcius, lalu catat                      hasilnya.
            3. Campurkan air panas dan dingin tersebut dalam sebuah wadah.
            4. Hitung suhu campurannya.

Tabel Pengamatan

Air Panas
Air Dingin
Air Campuran
Kalor Jenis

·        Kesimpulan  :
Dari praktikum yang kami lakukan disimpulkan bahwa suhu campurannya adalah 34C dan telah terbukti bahwa kalor yang dilepaskan sama dengan kalor yang diterima.

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Dialog Narative Bahasa Inggris


Long time ago, there was a hard-worker couple lived in small-remote village. They were daddy, mommy, and a young daughter.  They were poor; they lived only by hunting and farming. They spent long hours in the forest every day. One day, when daddy was hunting, mommies came and bring some food for him.
Mommy           : ‘Dad, I bring some food for you.’
Daddy             : ‘Oh, thanks. What is that?’
Mommy           : ‘A spinach soup. I have collected all spinach from our field. So, time’s to lunch!’
Daddy             : ‘wait a moment. I must finish this first.’
Mommy           : ‘Why don’t you stop whatever you do now and come here?
Daddy             : ‘All right I will, but where is our daughter?’
Mommy           : ‘Hmm…’
Daughter         : ‘Boo. Hay dad, I’m here. Oh, I have lunch with mommy before you.’

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Pentingnya Belajar Bahasa Inggris
(The Importance of Learning English)

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.                                
The honorable Mrs/Mr____ as the _______
And all of my lovely friend in this class.
First of all, let’s pray and thanks unto our god ALLAH the Almighty, who has given us some mercies and blessings so we can meet together in this blessing place with good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right way.
Ladies and gentlemen…
Standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver a speech about “The importance of learning English?”
Begin with the question about “Is it important to learn English?”
How important do you think English to be learn?
Of course many reason and opinion will appear when we hear this question. There are some people said that learning English is important and there are some people said that learning English is less important even with their variety of reasons and opinions.
There are still many people in this country do not agree about the importance of learning English which is accompanied by their variety of reasons and opinions. They argued:
Why do we have to learn English? If we still have our own language, Indonesian, that is used as our national language. Why do we have to learn English? If we still have thousands of traditional languages which we should preserve them together.
However, in this globalization era, English is very important. We are still able to live without English, but there are many advantages that make our lives so much better if we learn English seriously such as:
First, English is the most widely spoken languages.
Although it comes second to Mandarin in the total number of speakers, but it is the official language in a large number of countries. It is estimated that the number of people in the world that use in English to communicate on a regular basis is 2 billion! So maybe we will get an opportunity to go abroad one day, your travel will be more easily, because you can communicate with people wherever you go. Ask directions, have a conversation, or... ask for help. Who knows, maybe English will save your life someday! 
Second, English is the dominant business language and research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English. Its importance in the global market place therefore cannot be understated, learning English really can change your life.
Third, for you who love watching films or TV shows, reading books, and listening to music. Many of the world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in English. Therefore by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
Fourth, Most of the content produced on the internet is in English. Approximately, 55% of all written content on the internet is in English. Also, with the increase in popularity of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; as well as other social media sites, the possibility of Native English speakers and non-Native speakers interacting has greatly increased. So knowing English will allow you access to an incredible amount of information which may not be otherwise available!
Although learning English can be challenging and time consuming, we can see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create many opportunities!
Now, Shall we ask “Is it important to learn English?”
I think we don’t have to ask that again, because learning English is the most important language and it may be the key of your success.Not much that I can say today, just a few of words above that I can deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot for your attention and I also ask for forgiveness for my mistakes, and the last I say.


Analisis Tembang Jawa "Kusumaning Ati"



Kusumaning ati
Duh wong ayu kang tak anti-anti
Mung tekamu biso gawe
Tentrem ning atiku

Biyen nate janji

Tak ugemi ora bakal lali

Tur kelingan jeroning ati

Sak bedahing bumi

Kadung koyo ngene

Sak iki piye karepe

Malah mirangake

Manis pambukane

Kok pahit tibo mburine

Malah ngangelake

Amung pamujiku

Mugo-mugo ra ono rubedho

Sak pungkure

Nggonmu lungo

Ora kondo-kondo

Contoh Puisi

Tema Ketuhanan


karya Ulfa Anggun M

Sunyi senyap tanpa suara
Gelap gulita tanpa cahaya
Manakah jalan kebenaran
Jalan yang Engkau ridhoi

     Ya Allah yang Maha Sempurna
     Tunjukan aku jalan kebenaran
     Jauhkanlah aku dari kegelapan
     Jauhkanlah aku dari kesunyian

Ya Allah yang Maha Pengampun
Ampunilah dosa-dosaku
Maafkanlah segala kesalahanku

Berikan aku petunjuk kebenaran

Tema Percintaan

Kebahagiaan Semu

karya Ulfa Anggun M

Kau datang menghampiriku
Membawa kebahagiaan semu
Indah walau tak sempurna
Bahagia walau tak selamanya

     Sekejap kau datang
     Lalu kau hilang
     Cintaku telah berubah
     Menjadi sebuah kebencian

Apalah arti cinta
Jika kau permainkan
Semua tak lagi indah
Jika ada duri dalam cinta

Report Text

Report Text Kota


            Sydney is the most populous city in Australia. This town is located in East Beach of Australia and it is the capital city of New South Wales. The city is built around Port Jackson, which includes Sydney Harbour, leading to the city’s nickname, “the Harbour City”. Sydney also has another unique name like “The City of Villages”, and “The Emerald City”.
Inhabitants who live in Sydney called Sydneysiders. The Sydneysiders talk by using English. But, some of them talk by using Mandarin, Indonesian, and Russian languages.Most people in the Sydney work in the industry. Just small part of them work in the agriculture.
The most famous thing in Sydney is Sydney Opera House. Even, Sydney Opera House is the symbol of Sydney city. The Sydney Opera House is design by JornUtzon.The Sydney Opera House is a large performing art place. It becomes an Australian icon. It was established in 1973. It is located in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The Opera House is a place for large theatrical productions. It is home of Opera Australia, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphonyan. Besides for theatrical productions, the Opera House is also used for other functions. It is used for weddings, parties, and conferences. Beside The Sydney Opera House, Sydney also has other interesting places; one of them is Sydney Harbor Bridge. Sydney Harbor  Bridge is the icon of Sydney and also Australia Continent.  The Sydney Harbour Bridge connects Central Business District in Sydney with North area of the Sydney.
            As well as being famous for its modern buildings and roads, there are many places of historical interest in Sydney. For example, Mrs. Macquarie’s chair, the area called the rocks dating back to the early nineteenth century, and the attractive terrace houses of Paddington, are all close to the harbour and the city centre.Sydney also has several museums. The biggest are the Australian Museum (natural history and anthropology), the Powerhouse Museum (science, technology and design), the Art Gallery of New South Wales, the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Australian National Maritime Museum.